Friday, September 28, 2012

The Weight of the World is Sitting on My Shoulders

Have you ever felt like that? You know you need to get something done but for some reason it seems like the biggest thing in the world? It could be cleaning your house or going to the grocery store, but for some reason it seems like it the most difficult thing to actually accomplish.

I mean, my world does revolve around me so if I don't do something it doesn't happen. But why is it such a big deal? Inertia? Maybe... Sigh. I guess it's like working out. You just gotta power through.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

How Amazing Would it Be to Have a TARDIS?

Really, really amazing. Imagine. One day you wake up and you hear the telltale noise of the TARDIS arriving. You poke your head out the door and there is the effervescent Doctor waiting to take you on an adventure. Who would say no? Definitely not me.

Now, I have a life here. I have a boyfriend that I love. I'm pursuing a career. But to be able to cut out and travel through time with a childlike host? Oh Hell the Fuck yeah!

I mean, I'd pause. But really, I'd just be delaying the inevitable. Because I would go. My boyfriend and I have even talked about it (as if it would ever happen in real life). As long as I would return no more than a few minutes after I left he wouldn't leave me.

But imagine. One day, same old. Next day, Egypt chilling with Cleopatra. Of course there would be Daleks and Cybermen to defeat, but who wouldn't want to save the day and meet Shakespeare?

Eventually I suppose it would get old... Or at least I would. Too bad the time machine couldn't stop time. But then that would be freaky. I certainly don't want to live forever. But looking young forever? I might be able to handle that ;)

Job Searching is like Fishing in a Belly Dance Outfit

Job searching has got to be one of the most depressing things on the Earth. You get your resume all decked out and shiny and spiff up your cover letter so it's just interesting enough without actually showing any personality (as if personality is a bad thing) and then you comb the postings, hoping for something good.

I think job hunting is like fishing. Definitely boring. Definitely a lot of waiting. And sitting. And casting out those lines again and again only to be sitting there alone with nothing to show for it. Am I over qualified? Under qualified? Is my cover letter too dry? Does my resume suck? If only I didn't take all that time to find myself!

Blech. It makes me wanna hurl. Then I get to sit in front of the computer like a Craigslist Troll, updating every 10-20 minutes. Cuz you know those postings (well the good ones anyways) get like 100 responses in the first hour or two. So you gotta be in the first 20 or 30 or your resume will never even get seen.

And of course the one interview I get right away??? Probably only because I sent a picture of myself in a belly dance outfit. Yep. Guess that's the way to get a job these days. Show some skin ladies! And really, I don't even know if I want the job.

I guess that's how fishing works. You put in all the work and finally get a bite... and its a sun shark that you have to toss back. True story. I saw that on the beach in Ventura. Little did I know how much it was going to mirror my life...